Indian Chapati Recipe


Chapati Recipe: In Indian homes, chapati is always served with dal, vegetable or any curry which makes any dish complete.

Chapati Ingredients

  • 2 cups wheat flour
  • 1 cup water
  • some dry flour for rolling

How to make Chapati

  1. Mix flour with required amount of water and make a soft dough.
  2. Flatten, press with your fingers and sprinkle some water. Thus, let it rest for at least 30 minutes.
  3. Knead again a little, form the dough pieces into smooth balls, flatten and roll into about 1/8″ thick rounds (it will take a little practice).
  4. Place the pan over the gas, and heat on high flame until a drop of water thrown on it evaporates immediately with a loud sound.
  5. Place a chapatti on top of the pan and as soon as the edges start rising, lift it and place it directly on the fire, with the raw side facing down. It will swell immediately.
  6. Flip to cook the other side a little more and your chapatti is ready.

Indian Chapati Recipe 

YouTube Video Link : Chapati Recipe

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